40 DBAV Members meet with Chairman Mai at the People's Committee in Ho Chi Minh City

On 28 February 2023, the Dutch Business Association Vietnam (DBAV) held a meeting with Chairman Mai and the Ho Chi Minh City authorities at the People's Committee in Le Thanh Ton street. The meeting was attended by approximately 40 DBAV members and was led by Ambassador Kees van Baar, Consul General Daniël Stork, and DBAV Vice Chair Phuc Nguyen. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the concerns and recommendations of Dutch investors in Vietnam and to foster closer communication channels between the business community and the city's authorities.

Vice Chair Phuc Nguyen presented the recommendations of DBAV, which included extending visa exemptions to 30 days and to citizens of all EU member countries, simplifying and streamlining the work permit application and renewal process, promoting air quality and control of noise, improving transportation infrastructure, supporting the adoption of electric vehicles, and leveraging technology to enhance administrative procedures.

The Chairman and the HCMC authorities were actively engaged in the meeting and took thorough notes on the presentation and discussion points. They addressed every concern raised by the businesses, displayed in-depth knowledge about the subjects, and showed a keen willingness to help businesses move forward in the rapidly developing surroundings of Ho Chi Minh City.

Four DBAV members had the opportunity to speak to the Chairman and his entourage on their investment plans and recommendations. The departments and the chairman took thorough note of the feedback and replied in-depth, showing their commitment to support the business community's investment plans.

DBAV Vice Chairman Phuc reading the speech on behalf of DBAVs members.
DBAV Vice Chairman Phuc reading the speech on behalf DBAVs members 

After the meeting, DBAV members and HCMC authorities gathered for informal post-meeting drinks on the famous rooftop of the Rex hotel, across the street from the People's Committee building. The atmosphere was lively, and discussions continued on the topics raised during the meeting. It was an excellent opportunity for members to network with each other and with HCMC authorities

Overall, the meeting with Chairman Mai was a great success. The Chairman and the HCMC authorities demonstrated their willingness to work with the business community to address their concerns and support their investment plans. DBAV is confident that the recommendations presented during the meeting will be considered and acted upon by the authorities. The meeting also highlighted the importance of fostering closer communication channels between the business community and the city's authorities, and DBAV looks forward to continuing this dialogue in the future.

DBAV Executive Director Guido van Rooy engages in a short 1-1 conversation with the Chairman