Dutch December Dance 2023 🎉💃


The Dutch December Dance in Ho Chi Minh City on the 16th of December was an amazing party to end the year! Organized by the Consulate General of the Netherlands and the Dutch Business Association Vietnam, it brought together a special group of over 300 members and friends for a night of live music and drag-queen dancing performances and dancing! 

After the first party in 2022, this year was even better! We wanted to celebrate Nature, Diversity, and the 50 Anniversary of NLVN Diplomatic Relations. 

The Dutch December Dance was more than just a party— it was a testament to unity, cultural richness, and the commitment to safeguard our planet's treasures. Even after the music stopped, the echoes of celebration and conservation continued to stay with us, promising a brighter future built on harmony, diversity, and a better world. Let’s cheer for the year of Dragon to come with prosperity and good health!✨


*Pictures by Sang Louis Photography