Publications Listing


An Introduction to Doing Business in Vietnam 2021 will provide readers with an overview of the fundamentals of investing and conducting business in Vietnam. 2020 is a year


Vietnam continues to showcase strong growth patterns despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, leading investors to favorably consider the country as an ideal location for new investment. In this context, it is important to understand the prevailing office types and structures in the country.


Vanaf 23 Januari 2021 is er een ideale werk- en ontmoetingsplek voor Nederlandse ondernemers in Ho Chi Minh-Stad, Vietnam: een co-working space met 'oranje hart' in een van de Dreamplex locaties in de stad.

Dreamplex is een snelgroeiende organisatie die moderne co-working-locaties aanbiedt in Ho Chi Minh en Hanoi. Ook op andere plekken in het land is men locaties aan het opzetten.


Following the latest information from the local authorities, the current travel restrictions have been extended till 16 December 20. While we are still waiting for more details from the Civil Aviation, we are able to share in the meantime the following information:


Vietnam may come out as Southeast-Asia’s winner after the current corona crisis as the country is re-opening its economy and preparing for a new wave of foreign investments. The Dutch business community, represented by the Dutch Business Association in Vietnam (DBAV), is anticipating a prosperous era for Dutch companies eyeing to enter or expand in Vietnam.


Investeringen in Vietnam - Mr Hanh Do, Vietnam Consult & Trading